, Jakarta - As one of the biggest city, Jakarta offers plenty of exciting educational attractions to visit with your family! Not only can you have fun, but you can also gain new knowledge and experiences. Here are five must-visit educational destinations in Jakarta that should be on your holiday bucket list!
Indonesian Kite Museum
Who knew that kites have their own museum? Located in Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, the Indonesian Kite Museum is more than just a place to see unique kite collections from various regions—it also offers plenty of exciting activities! Here, you can try batik-making, painting umbrellas, and even designing and decorating your own kite! Before heading home, don’t forget to stop by the souvenir shop to check out handcrafted items from local artisans.
Electricity and New Energy Museum
Curious about the world of electricity and energy? This museum, located in TMII, is the perfect place to explore! With more than 780 exhibits, you can discover cool innovations like electric motorcycles, water turbines, and solar stoves. There’s even a 5D theater that makes learning about electricity even more exciting!
Museum Macan
Art lovers, this one’s for you! Museum Macan showcases stunning artworks from both local and international artists that will amaze your eyes and mind. Kids won’t get bored either, as there’s a special art space for them, including a floating garden where they can create colorful drawings. You can find this museum at AKR Tower, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.
Satria Mandala Museum
If you’re into history and the military world, the Satria Mandala Museum in South Jakarta is a fascinating destination. This museum houses collections of weaponry, important documents, and even fighter jets that were once used by the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). What’s unique is that the museum’s outdoor area is open for picnics with a view of aircraft exhibits in the middle of the city! There’s also a children's reading park and a souvenir kiosk.
Jakarta Aquarium and Safari
Want to experience underwater life without getting wet? Head to Jakarta Aquarium and Safari at Neo Soho Mall! Here, you can see over 3,500 species of marine and land animals—some of which you can touch and feed, like starfish, snakes, and meerkats. Don’t miss the adorable penguin, binturong, and otter shows. If you’re brave enough, you can even go diving with various fish in the giant aquarium!
Sounds fun, right? A trip to Jakarta isn’t just about sightseeing—it’s also a chance to learn in an exciting and interactive way! So, which destination do you want to visit first?
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