5 Recommendations for Indoor Playgrounds in Jabodetabek

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - The unpredictable weather sometimes makes us hesitant to go to a playground, especially outdoor ones.
When looking at the situation, finding a closed or indoor playground is the right choice.
In the Jabodetabek area, many indoor playgrounds can be visited. This tourist spot can be a solution to finding a place to play that is cool and protected from rain.
Here are recommendations for indoor playgrounds in Jabodetabek.
1. Trans Studio Cibubur
Trans Studio is one of the favorite playgrounds that is often the choice of families or Gen Z. There are many rides available in this place, ranging from extreme rides to child-friendly rides.
In addition, several shows can be enjoyed at certain hours, such as Jurassic Live Show, Welcome Dance, and World of Imagination Parade.
Trans Studio Cibubur is located at Trans Studio Mall Cibubur which is open every day from 11:00 to 18:00 WIB.
2. MoJa Museum
MoJa Museum is an art museum that is popular among young people because it has Instagrammable photo spots. In addition to presenting art installations, visitors can also enjoy the roller skating rides provided.
MoJa Museum is located in the GBK Main Stadium complex and is open from 11:00-19:30 WIB.
The entrance ticket is IDR 125,000 for weekdays and IDR 135,000 for weekends.
3. Houbii Urban Adventure Park
This place provides plenty of rides for both children and adults to enjoy. There are various arenas such as a basketball area, trampoline-free area, lace maze, and others.
To play in this place, visitors can pay starting from IDR 200,000 per two hours.
Houbii Urban Adventure Park is located at Raden Kyai Haji Abdullah Bin Nuh Street, Bogor and is open from 10:00-20:00 WIB for weekdays and 12:00-20:00 for weekdays.
4. Tropikana Waterpark
Tropikana Waterpark is an indoor playground located in the Bogor area. This waterpark has not been in operation for long.
Tropikana Waterpark has the concept of an indoor swimming pool so it will not be hot. The pool is not deep so it is safe for children and toddlers.
In addition, several types of pools are available, namely Baby Pool, Kiddie, Wave Pool, and Water Fountain.
Tropikana Waterpark Cibinong is located at Robinson City Point Basic Level, HR Lukman Street Number 29, Cibinong, Bogor Regency.
5. Bremgra
If you want to find climbing rides, you can visit Bremgra Indoor Climbing. In this place, visitors can feel the sensation of climbing an indoor wall so they don't have to be hot.
This place provides a climbing gym and a fun wall. In addition to wall climbing, there are also various other rides such as go-kart and indoor outbound.
Bremgra is located at Jalan Cilenggang Raya No. 123, Serpong, South Tangerang.
This place is open every day from 13.00-20.00 (Monday-Friday) and 09.00-20.00 (Saturday and Sunday).
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