• Minggu, 09 Maret 2025

Latest iPhone Is Coming to Indonesia Soon

Latest iPhone Is Coming to Indonesia Soon
Logo Apple (dlxmedia.hu via Unsplash)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - Apple has officially secured Indonesia’s Domestic Component Level (TKDN) certificate, allowing it to resume selling its latest products, including the iPhone 16.

Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita acknowledged that negotiations with Apple were intense, as both sides stood firm in protecting their interests. The back-and-forth discussions lasted five months before reaching an agreement. 

The agreement, reached after five months of intense negotiations, also marks a breakthrough with Apple committing $160 million (Rp2.62 trillion) to R&D investment in Indonesia. This includes establishing an R&D facility, launching the Apple Software Innovation and Technology Institute, and expanding the Apple Professional Developer Academy.

With the agreement now in place, Apple can resume selling its latest products in Indonesia, starting with the iPhone 16. The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) will issue the TKDN certificate, and the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Komdigi) will grant distribution approval.

While many see this as merely an extension of Apple’s business permit, a deeper look reveals a golden opportunity. Indonesia manages to leverage this opportunity to ensure Apple’s investment delivers real benefits to the country.

For too long, the country has been a consumer rather than a creator of technology. If managed well, Apple’s R&D center could nurture local talent and drive innovation. 

However, without proactive steps from the government, academia, and industry, the investment’s impact may be limited.

In response, Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament’s Commission VII, Chusnunia Chalim, has expressed full support for ensuring Apple’s investment not only expands its market presence in Indonesia but also contributes to local technology development.

Hence, Indonesia must prepare its workforce by reforming education and training programs to meet industry standards. Vocational education, curriculum enhancements, and certification programs should be prioritized to ensure local talent benefits from Apple’s presence.

Additionally, Indonesia should integrate local companies into Apple’s supply chain through Luxshare’s new Batam factory, encouraging domestic production of components to move beyond basic assembly.

Apple’s investment could be a turning point for Indonesia’s tech sector—but only if the country takes bold action. The real measure of success is not just product sales but the extent to which this investment strengthens local industry, builds human capital, and fosters a sustainable innovation ecosystem. 

With the right policies and strategic collaboration, Indonesia can position itself as a competitive player in the global technology landscape.

Writer: Andi Raisa Malaha Thambas

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