• Rabu, 12 Maret 2025

Celine Dion Warns Fans About AI-Generated Song

Celine Dion Warns Fans About AI-Generated Song
Unggahan instagram Celine Dion saat berada di Louvre, Paris, Rabu (24/7/2024). (dok: Instagram/celinedion)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - Singer Celine Dion has cautioned fans to be wary of "fake" songs generated by artificial intelligence (AI) circulating on online platforms.

In a statement posted on Instagram on Friday (3/7), representatives of the "It's All Coming Back to Me Now" singer expressed concern about unauthorized AI-generated music falsely claiming to feature Dion's voice.

"It has come to our attention that unauthorized AI-generated music, claiming to contain performances by Celine Dion, as well as her name and likeness, is currently circulating online and on various Digital Service Providers," the statement read, as quoted on Antara based on a report by NME, on Saturday (3/8).

"Please be advised that these recordings are fake, unauthorized, and not part of her official discography," it continued as quoted on Antara.

While the statement did not mention specific songs, an AI-generated gospel cover titled "Heal Me Lord," purportedly performed by Dion, was recently uploaded to YouTube and has amassed over one million views.

Dion joins a growing list of musicians opposing AI in the music industry. 

In the UK, many artists have protested government proposals to amend copyright laws, allowing AI developers to fully utilize creators' content from the internet if it is used for data or text mining to train models.

The proposal would grant artists the "privilege" to opt out, but critics argue that it is nearly impossible for individuals to notify thousands of different AI service providers or track how their work is used across the internet.

Additionally, Queen's Brian May has voiced concerns about the proposal. "My fear is that it’s already too late. This theft has been committed and cannot be stopped, much like many other attacks by billionaire AI owners and arrogant social media giants on our lives. The future has changed forever," he stated as quoted on Antara

Paul McCartney has also criticized the proposed changes, warning that if AI is allowed to exploit artists' work, it could lead to "a loss of creativity."

Similarly, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin condemned the proposal, stating, "When AI exploits human creativity to generate content, it often does so without permission, attribution, or compensation. This is not innovation; it’s exploitation," as quoted on Antara.

Moreover, over 1,000 artists, including Damon Albarn, Kate Bush, and Annie Lennox, released a silent album as a protest against the UK government's proposed AI copyright law changes.

Writer: Andi Raisa Malaha Thambas


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